Hello and Welcome to the Jinkook Love Fest! A fest that celebrates our beloved dorky mathyung and maknae duo.2020 Fest, 2021 Fest, 2022 Fest, 2022 Fic Exchange, and 2023 Fest complete. 2024 Fest begins June 14.

2024 Fest Info


Prompting: Jun 14 - Jul 5
Claiming: Jul 7 - Sep 29
Check-in #1: Aug 15
Check-in #2: Sep 15
Deadline to Drop Out: Sep 29
Works Due: September 30
Anon Reveals: TBD
Author Reveals: TBD
*All dates begin 12:00 AM and end 11:59 PM EDT


Prompting Rules:1. One person may submit up to 10 prompts.2. Must be 18+ to submit NSFW prompts.3. Tag all potential content or trigger warnings.4. Include Do Wants (DW) and Do Not Wants (DNW).5. Incest, rape/non-con, pedophilia, boypussy, cis mpreg, and underage content are NOT allowed under any circumstance.6. Prompts submitted before or after the scheduled timeframe will be deleted.♡♡♡Claiming Rules:1. One person may claim up to 2 prompts (including a self-prompt). Additional claims may be made after completed submissions.2. Only one claim can be made per prompt.3. Must be 18+ to claim a NSFW prompt.4. Must claim on AO3 and complete a Claim Form within 48 hours. Claims made without a matching form will be deleted.5. Claims made before or after the scheduled timeframe will be deleted.♡♡♡Writing Rules:
1. All works must be properly tagged.
2. Must be 18+ to write NSFW content.3. Minimum word count: 500 words4. Must be Jinkook endgame.5. Works cannot contain restricted topics.6. There will be two mandatory check-ins. Failure to respond to the check-ins will result in your claims being deleted and potentially being banned from future Jinkook Love Fest events.


1. Are there any hard limits you won't accept for the fest?
- Incest, rape/non-con, pedophilia, boypussy, cis mpreg, and underage content are NOT allowed under any circumstance.
2. Why is cis mpreg not allowed? Does that include Omegaverse?
- We ask that no characters born as a cisgender male be pregnant. There are other gender identities, including trans man, that are able to get pregnant that don't need to be cis men.
3. Do I have to submit a prompt in order to claim one? And do I have to claim a prompt in order to submit one?
- No, you are not required to submit any prompts in order to claim them, and you are not required to claim any prompts in order to submit them.
4. How do I make a claim?
- Beginning Jun 1 (12:00 AM ET), you may begin making claims by clicking “Claim” next to the prompt you want on AO3 and filling out the Claim Form.
5. Can I claim a self-prompt?
- Yes. You may claim up to 1 self-prompt. Self-prompts will NOT be accepted during the prompting period. Rather, you must wait until claiming opens to claim one of the "Claim me for a self-prompt" options.
6. Can more than one person claim the same prompt?
- No. Only one claim can be made per prompt.
7. Will you provide beta services?
- Yes. You can contact @BTSBetaServices on X/Twitter, and they will match you with a beta.
8. What if I’m unable to finish my work? Am I allowed to drop out?
- We understand that things happen and that sometimes life can get in the way. Should you need to drop a claim for any reason, you must fill out the Drop Out Form by Oct 30 (11:59 PM ET).
9. Will there be an extension after the due date?
- If you need an extension for any reason, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will review your request.
10. Can I include side pairings?
- Yes, you can include as many side pairings as you like, as long as Jinkook is the main pairing. This is a JINKOOK Fest.
11. Are polyam relationships allowed?
- Polyam relationships involving members other than Jin and Jungkook are allowed. This is a JINKOOK fest and so they should only be with each other as your main pairing.
12. Do you accept non-BTS characters?
- Yes, as long as they are not the main characters of the story.
13. Do you accept chaptered works?
- You may post chaptered works as long as the first chapter is completed by the due date of Oct 31.
14. Are social media AUs allowed?
- Yes, only if they are posted on AO3. We will not accept social media AUs posted directly on X/Twitter due to the lack of anonymity.
15. Can I talk about/promote my fic on X/Twitter?
- Yes, you can talk about your fic but please do not reveal any details until after the author reveals.


Fic Recs